Shop From Thousands Of US Stores And Ship to Nigeria


Register an account with us and get your own TAX FREE US address. You can find your US address in your account dashboard


Ship any sized packages directly to your US address. Our staff will notify you as soon as we receive any packages.


We Consolidate your packages and forward your shipment to your Doorstep in Nigeria.

How it works

Shopping in the USA has never been easier. Not only do we offer you the best exchange rate possible, but we also go the extra mile to give you the best and safe shipping experience.

Do Your Shopping SMARTER, Cheaper and Hassle-Free!

Tax-Free Address

Shipping to Our warehouse is without Sales Tax. Shop online without any sales TAX added to your shopping.

Invoice Removal

Remove the original invoice and easily replace it with your own. Our system gives you flexible control to identify the commodities of your shipment.


We Consolidate your packages into one large shipment. You can remove or keep the original packaging. This will reduce your total shipping costs up to 85%.

Package Photo

Our staff will take a photo of your package on request. Easily check the contents of your package for damage or missing contents.

Assisted Purchase

We will purchase items on your behalf and ship them to you. You will tell us what to buy and we will buy it. Contact us to get started.

Simple Return

If your package arrives at our warehouse damaged or it is not as you expected, we will return it to the sender for you.


Shop from multiple U.S. online stores, let us transfer it into OneBox to reduce weight, and ship it to you. Save as much as 80% in shipping weight!


We love to hear from you. All the feedback you give us is very much appreciated